Protective layer which lines the interior of hollow organs.
Examples for "mucous membrane"
Examples for "mucous membrane"
1The mucous membrane in contact with the air may also be affected.
2Why are the teeth spoken of in connection with the mucous membrane?
3The mucous membrane in the nasal passages contains cilia, which catch the dust.
4Causes.- Apredisposition : Apeculiarsensitive area in the mucous membrane of the nose.
5The blood goes to the lungs where it irritates the delicate mucous membrane.
1Part of the mucus membrane on the surface of the pharynx had ulcerated.
2They're formed by minute spores which lodge in the mucus membrane of the throat.
3You need to touch them to a mucus membrane.
4I thought of John Updike, whose interest is the visual - the mucus membrane, as it were.
5To induce a sneeze, the subject used tissue paper to simulate the mucus membrane of the nasal cavity.
6Umbilical catheter tip, skin, or mucus membrane K pneumoniae colonization occurred in 47% and 53% of evaluated case and control patients, respectively.
7The mucus membranes run, so you get snot pouring out your nose.
8Infant's skin, eyes, and mucus membranes are typically very sensitive to bath additives.
9These include the skin, and the mucus membranes in the lungs and digestive tract.
10But since your mucus membranes are already irritated enough, I'll just make a boring one.
11Lots of tissues held to mouths and that curious, ripe smell of bacteria-rich mucus membranes.
12Maybe I just have particularly tough mucus membranes.
13Bodily fluids coming into contact with mucus membranes.
14I have heard that this can set mucus membranes on fire and act as a general skin irritant.
15Which are mucus membranes.
16It's a king of irritants attacking the mucus membranes of your ears, nose, and lungs, making you cough, choke, and go temporarily blind.
Translations for mucus membrane